British Racing Motors (BRM) became synonymous with the Owen Organisation which sponsored the racing team for many years. The project, founded by racing enthusiast Raymond Mays and his associate Peter Berthon began in 1945. He intended to fund the project by seeking financial backing from the British motor industry and established the British Racing Motor Trust.
A. G. B. Owen became chairman of the trust, and decided that the Owen Organisation should take over the assets of the trust when it ran short of funds. The cars were originally built in a building called ‘The Maltings’, in Spalding Road, Bourne, Lincolnshire, behind Mays’ family home, called ‘Eastgate House’. When the Owen Organisation took control ‘The Maltings’ became the Engine Development Division of the Owen Motor Racing Association. Berthon and Mays continued to run the team on behalf of the Owen Organisation, and had many racing successes including winning seventeen grand prix between 1959 and 1972:
There is lots of information on the web about the history of BRM and to list all the links on here would be boring and take ages, so we have decided to show just two of what we regard as the most important ones. We hope you enjoy looking at them and that it inspires you to delve further into the history of BRM and look to the future as we reawaken this famous British Marque.
The first website is the BRM Association which was formed in 2012 by BRM enthusiasts Eric Biggadike, John Burt and Anthony Delaine-Smith with the support and co-operation of David Owen OBE, Rubery Owen Holdings Ltd and Rick Hall of Hall & Hall. The aim of this association is to promote the history and legacy of BRM and provide a forum for BRM car owner, former employees, and enthusiasts.
The second is British Racing Motors, this very good website not only gives the history and celebrates the rich heritage of BRM but more importantly provides more up to date information on the future of BRM. You can also visit the shop for very collectable merchandise, join the organisation for exclusive membership benefits and sign up for a regular newsletter where you’ll be the first to hear all the latest news and collaborations.